

My friend Mandy De Wolf, Keith Moon’s daughter, tells me that she has become a grandmother, which means that her father has, in absentia, become a great grandfather. “Our daughter Sam and her boyfriend Nate welcomed lovely little Zoe on October 3, 2023,” she writes. As far as I am aware, Zoe is the first great granddaughter offspring from The Who. I think she has her great grandfathers eyes. 

        Mandy and I have stayed in touch since our aborted plan for her to write a memoir about her life. When it became clear to us that book publishers weren’t interested in our proposed book, in 2019 I posted my synopsis of the book – Moon Girl: My Life In The Shadow Of Rock’s Wildest Star – on Just Backdated, and to date it has received 34,600 hits, making it the second most read post on the blog. This is the link: https://justbackdated.blogspot.com/2019/09/moon-girl-my-life-in-shadow-of-rocks.html

        Mandy also drew my attention to this podcast in which she is interviewed about her life on Billy Brew Radio. https://www.facebook.com/watch/?extid=CL-UNK-UNK-UNK-IOS_GK0T-GK1C&mibextid=w8EBqM&v=544275519750261

    [Unfortunately I cannot seem to transfer live links onto my blog but they work if you copy and paste - CC]


Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Wishing health and happiness to little Zoe.

Too bad publishers are not interested in the book, but if there is an option to self-publish I am sure tons of Who fans would go for a copy!

Anonymous said...

Good name. My granddaughter that I am raising is Zoe.

Anonymous said...

Hey Chris,
I hope you are as well as can be.
Any word on when the Roger Glover book will be released?
Please do keep up the writing - it helps us all.
John M.

Chris Charlesworth said...

Roger hasn't finished writing it yet. CC

Anonymous said...

Congratulations ! God Bless ! Baby Zoe does have his beautiful eyes !